Stragility serves as an extension of your team. Our proven process—evaluate, plan, execute, achieve—provides focus and strategy that yields clear, attainable goals. And our solutions are always flexible, allowing you to respond to every situation with agility and confidence.

Strategy + Agility = Stragility


Stragility’s solutions are rooted in a deep understanding of your industry, competition, and target markets. We know where to look, what to look for, and how to transform findings into actions.


Stragility’s process provides a clear path from planning to execution, eliminating roadblocks and gaining traction with every step.


With your strategy defined, we bridge the gap between business and talent. We work with you to ensure that you have the high-performing talent you need—now and in the future.


To ensure your Stragility experience is as comprehensive as possible, we partner with talented companies that provide services beyond our core capabilities. If our work together reveals a need for additional capabilities, such as marketing and branding, human resources, sales training, diversity and inclusion or software development, we can engage our partners and manage the projects seamlessly.


“Catharine worked with me and my leadership team to assess where we were and strategize where we want to go. Through market research analysis, planning sessions and regular meetings, she guided us on the development of our strategic plan, gave us methods to stay accountable, and helped us accomplish our goals.”

Miriam Dushane

Miriam DushaneManaging Partner - Alaant Workforce Solutions

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